
Posted by Alexander Wang on September 23, 2016







#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
    vw-varinfo2: vw dataset summary & variable importance

    This is new & simpler implementation of the original vw-varinfo

    It is designed to be simpler and faster. There's less dependence
    on command line options so it is much more robust against future
    changes and new options in vowpal-wabbit.

    This implementation is in python (original was in perl)

    TODO: multi-class support is not implemented!

    Author: Ariel Faigon (2016)
import sys
import os
import subprocess
import re
import argparse
import string
import itertools
import tempfile

Verbose = False
ARGV0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

# Default vw executable program to call
VW = 'vw'
# Additional VW args which should be reused from 1st to 2nd pass

# Hash mappings for per-feature (min, max, hash-value, weight)
F_MIN = {}
F_MAX = {}
F_HASH = {}

# We need to have a model at the end to load all weights
# If it is not supplied on the command line, we add it ourselves
ModelName = ''
CleanupModel = False

# A global switch and list of all seen labels to support MultiClass
MultiClass = False
MCLabels = None

def v(msg):
    """print message to stderr"""
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg)

def d(msg):
    """Verbose/debugging message, activated with '-v' option."""
    if not Verbose:

def fatal(msg):
    """fatal (can't continue) situation error message"""
    v("== FATAL: %s" % msg)

def usage(msg):
    """Print usage message and exit"""
    if msg:
    v("Usage: %s [-v] [<vw>] <vw_args>..." % ARGV0)
    v("    Notes:\n"
      "\tYou may omit the <vw> argument (default is 'vw')\n"
      "\tYou may use a different <vw> executable as the 1st arg\n"
      "\t<vw_args> are all the vw arguments, as you would call vw directly\n"
      "\tIf <vw_args> is just a dataset-file - vw defaults will be used"

def which(program):
    Find a program in $PATH
    If found, return its full path, otherwise return None
    def is_exe(fpath):
        return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)

    fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
    if fpath:
        if is_exe(program):
            return program
        for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
            path = path.strip('"')
            exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
            if is_exe(exe_file):
                return exe_file

    return None

def all_features_dicts():
    Returns two dict of all features in a structured way:

    1st dict is individual features: scalar keys with a value of 1

    2nd dict is for features within name-spaces, key is the name-space
    first dict is:
        # individual (not in a name-space) features:
        "f1": 1,
        "f2": 1,
        "fN": 1
    second dict is:
        # features in name-spaces:
        "namespace1": { "f1":1, "f2":1, ... },
        "namespace2": {"f1":1, "f2":1, ... },
    d1 = {}
    d2 = {}
    for k in F_HASH:
        if '^' in k:
            ns, fname = k.split('^', 1)
            if not ns in d2:
                d2[ns] = {}
            d2[ns][fname] = 1
            # Constant feature should never be added as a regular
            # feature. vw adds it by itself as needed.
            # TODO: multiclass uses separate Constant_<N> per class
            if k != 'Constant':
                d1[k] = 1

    return d1, d2

def all_features_example():
    """Return a equal-weight vw line with all features present"""
    # TODO: implement multi-class: needs per-class internal data-structs
    d1, d2 = all_features_dicts()
    individual_features = ' | ' + ' '.join(d1.keys())
    ns_features = []
    for ns in d2:
        fnames = d2[ns].keys()
        one_ns_features = " |%s %s" % (ns, ' '.join(fnames))
    example = '1' + individual_features + ' '.join(ns_features) + '\n'
    d("all_features_example: %s" % example)
    return example

def process_audit_line(line):
    features = line.split("\t");
    for f in features:
        fields = f.split(':')
        fname = fields[0]
        fhash = int(fields[1])
        fval = float(fields[2])
        fweight = float(fields[-1].split('@')[0])

        F_WEIGHT[fname] = fweight
        F_HASH[fname] = fhash

        if not fname in F_MIN:
            # feature seen for 1st time
            F_MIN[fname] = fval
            F_MAX[fname] = fval

        if fval < F_MIN[fname]:
            F_MIN[fname] = fval
        if fval > F_MAX[fname]:
            F_MAX[fname] = fval

def vw_audit(vw_cmd, our_input=None):
    Generator for vw audit-lines
    (Each example is mapped to its audit-line)

    vw_cmdline is a list of args to run vw with

    There are two modes of running:
        1) Normal: input provided directly to vw from command line
        2) 2nd pass: input provided by vw-varinfo as a string
           This mode is activated when our_input="some string..."
    if our_input:
        # Input comes from our_input (string)
        # which is sent to stdin of the subprocess
        vw_proc = subprocess.Popen(
        # By default, vw reads from a training-set
        # which is already provided on the command line
        vw_proc = subprocess.Popen(

    re_leading_tab = re.compile(r'^\t')
    example_no = 0

    while True:
        vw_line = vw_proc.stdout.readline()
        if vw_line == '':
            # End of input
            if vw_proc.returncode:
                fatal("vw subprocess failed (status=%s): '%s'" %
                      (vw_proc.returncode, vw_cmd)
                d("%s: %s examples, exit status: %s" %
                    (vw_cmd, example_no, vw_proc.returncode)


        if re_leading_tab.match(vw_line):
            # An audit line (what we're looking for)
            example_no += 1
            yield vw_line

        # anything we want to do with other lines?

def run_vw(vw_cmd, our_input=None):
    audit_lines = vw_audit(vw_cmd, our_input)
    for line in audit_lines:

def is_vw_arg(arg):
    Return True iff the arg looks like a 'vw' argument
    Side effect: modifies the VW global variable iff user uses
    a different vw
    global VW
    if arg == VW:
        return True
    if re.search(r'(?:^|/)vw[-_.0-9]*$', arg):
        VW = arg
        return True
    return False

def already_has_audit(args):
    """Return True iff args already include --audit (or -a)"""
    if '-a' in args or '--audit' in args:
        return True
    return False

def is_multiclass(args):
    Check args for any hint of a multiclass problem
    (Check is option dependent and may be incomplete)
    # Not sure if --wap, --ect multi-class are actually right
    for mc_opt in ('--oaa', '--csoaa', '--ect', '--wap', '--sequence'):
        if mc_opt in args:
            return True
    return False

def model_arg(args):
    """Return the model arg if any"""
    f_idx = None
        f_idx = args.index('-f')
        # not there
        return None

        f_idx += 1
        model = args[f_idx]
        fatal("Oops! -f withot an arg - can't continue")

    return model

def get_vw_cmd(args):
    Return the vw command we want to run
    This means stripping our own (vw-varinfo) name from the list
    and making sure:
        1) That we have 'vw' at the beginning
        2) That -a is added for auditing
    global ModelName, CleanupModel, VWARGS, Verbose

    if len(args) <= 1:

    # -- move ourselves (vw-varinfo arg) out of the way

    # 1st arg can be '-v' for debugging this script
    if len(args) > 0 and args[0] == '-v':
        Verbose = True

    vw_args = []

    if len(args) < 1:
        usage('Too few args: %s' % args)

    if not is_vw_arg(args[0]):
        args.insert(0, 'vw')

    if not already_has_audit(args):
        args.insert(1, '--audit')

    if '--noconstant' in args:

    model = model_arg(args)
    if model:
        ModelName = model
        ModelName = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='.vwmodel')
        args.insert(1, ModelName)
        args.insert(1, '-f')
        CleanupModel = True

    # TODO: skip leading options that are intended for vw-varinfo itself
    for arg in args:

    d("vw_cmd is: %s" % vw_args)
    vw_exe = vw_args[0]
    if which(vw_exe) == None:
        fatal("Sorry: can't find %s (vowpal wabbit executable) in $PATH\n"
              "PATH=%s" % (vw_exe, os.environ["PATH"]))

    return vw_args

def minmax(data):
    Return a pair (min, max) of list arg

    Credit: https://code.activestate.com/recipes/577916-fast-minmax-function/
    Computes the minimum and maximum values in one-pass using only 1.5*len(data) comparisons
    it = iter(data)
        lo = hi = next(it)
    except StopIteration:
        raise ValueError('minmax() arg is an empty sequence')
    for x, y in itertools.izip_longest(it, it, fillvalue=lo):
        if x > y:
            x, y = y, x
        if x < lo:
            lo = x
        if y > hi:
            hi = y
    return lo, hi

def fix_weights_pass2():
    Run a 2nd pass with all features and stored model
    To get the final weights for all features
    global Model
    vw_cmd = [VW, '--quiet', '-t', '-a', '-i', ModelName]
    if len(VWARGS) > 0:
        vw_cmd += VWARGS
    run_vw(vw_cmd, all_features_example())

def summarize():
    """Output summary of variables"""
    wmin, wmax = minmax(F_WEIGHT.values())
    w_absmax = max(abs(wmin), abs(wmax))

    # Print a header
    print("%-16s\t%10s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" %
         ('FeatureName', 'HashVal', 'MinVal', 'MaxVal', 'Weight', '%Weight'))

    # TODO: implement multi-class
    # multi-class needs per-class internal data-structs

    # To reverse-order add: 'reverse=True' arg to 'sorted'
    sorted_tuples = sorted(F_WEIGHT.items(), key=lambda(k,v): v)
    for fname, fval in sorted_tuples:
        fmin = float(F_MIN[fname])
        fmax = float(F_MAX[fname])
        fweight = float(F_WEIGHT[fname])
        fhash = F_HASH[fname]
        relscore = 100.0 * (fweight/w_absmax if w_absmax > 0 else 0.0)
        print("%-16s\t%10s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%7.2f" %
                 (fname, fhash, fmin, fmax, fweight, relscore))

# -- main
def main():
    """Main func for vw-varinfo2: dataset feature information summary"""

    global MultiClass, MCLabels

    vw_cmd = get_vw_cmd(sys.argv)

    if is_multiclass(vw_cmd):
        # multi-class needs per-class internal data-structs
        MultiClass = True
        MCLabels = []


    # Run second pass:
    #   with -i ModelName and single example w/ all-features present


    if CleanupModel:
        d("removing tempfile: %s" % ModelName)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a CC A-S 4.0 International License.